Tag: Medical Story

Lauren’s Bath

Lauren’s domineering mother had made an appointment for her at the Treatment Center to have her bath and hair washed. She just turned 18 years old, and her mother wanted her to get good and clean. She was told to be there at 3:30 p.m. Lauren was built tall, thin, 5’6″, long legs and narrow […]

Mother’s Milk

“Tomorrow? Are you sure?” Kylie rubbed her forehead in confusion. She could have sworn that Nathan’s check-up was scheduled for today; she’d checked her Blackberry twice before undergoing the complex preparations involved in taking an infant out of the house for an extended period of time. But the Blackberry would only confirm the note she […]

Nurse Callaway Succumbs

The nurse stood quietly next to the bed. She rested her hand on the plastic railing and wondered to herself “Am I really considering this?” She had heard this story before and had not once thought about helping the man who was telling it. Why was this guy any different? Walt was in his fifties […]

Intensive Care

When John woke up at 9 p.m. he knew that something was wrong. The lights were on when he woke, and he vaguely realized that that was very unusual. After all, he always turned out the lights when he went to bed. Fuzzy memories of a party bubbled up from the murkier parts of his […]

Shannon’s First Rectal Exam

I have been practicing medicine in the same town for about ten years now. Since my specialty is proctology I do not see a lot of young people. Of course I do get the occasional forty year old hypochondriac who is convinced that a bout of constipation is a sure sign that they are dying […]

Melanie’s Diary

Dear Diary, Hi, its me Melanie, I know its been a long time since writing, but I thought that at eighteen I would have outgrown this kind of thing. Life’s been pretty shitty since mom and dad split up. Sis and I are leaving for a boarding school in a few weeks and I hate the […]

Administering A Sports Physical

I am a registered nurse in a busy clinic in Nevada. We specialize in administering physicals and doing in-office surgical procedures, such as vasectomies, minor cosmetic work, etc. We have become so busy that the lead physician now allows the senior nurses (of which I am one) to administer sport and employment physicals. Since no […]

My Brief Medical Career

He walked out from the back of the office suite, tall, with brown curly hair set off by the clean, white coat, and approached the reception desk. Right behind him, his last patient of the morning, a perky-looking brunette, tight curls touching the collar of her coat, long legs leading the eye down to high […]

Night Shift

Those of who are into enemas & rectal treatments as an erotic experience sometimes believe that working as a nurse would be the ideal sort of job. That, for the most part, is not true. The hospital remains one of the most strenuously anti-erotic subcultures in our society. Nevertheless, opportunities do sometimes occur; here’s one […]

A Nurse’s View Of Enemas

 have been a registered nurse for two years. Your special preference letter induced me to write this nurse’s point of view on the enema. The enema can be a very pleasurable experience, as I found out during my first week of nursing school. After I complained to one of the doctors of stomach cramps, he […]

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