Tag: Medical Story

My Little Harem 2

How did this happen? A few days before, I couldn’t get a girl to even look at me twice. Now I had this gorgeous woman leaving her husband for me. A few days ago I was lying on the pavement nearly dead. And now there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with me. “Meghan, go […]

Naughty Nurse 1

She had been aroused the whole day while working at the hospital on the medical-surgical ward. The material rubbing against her clit had been a constant tease, taunting her as she tried to take care of her roster of patients. She had been assigned several male patients on her shift, several she had provided care […]

My Little Harem 1

I am a 40 year old loser. At least, I was. No job, no car, no money, and of course, no girlfriend. I was riding my bike to the store one evening. It wasn’t a great neighborhood, but I needed a couple of things, so I decided to get there and back as quickly as […]

The Baller and The Nurse

The front desk called Sergio’s room at 7:55 a.m. to advise him of a visitor. After confirming her identity, the hotel employee gave Yesenia an electronic pass card and directed her to the VIP elevator. She slid the card through the reader, punched the button for the twenty-fourth floor, and rode the glass-encased car to […]

Bad Medicine

When I got a look at the script Sal gave me, I about died. I marched right into his office the next day, seething with righteous indignation. “What the fuck?” I threw the script on his desk. “I’m not doing this.” Sal smiled, shark-like. “You’ll do what the fuck I tell you, ya fucking fag.” […]

Just One Hour 4

Her head was swimming, a feeling of been under a big blanket; that dark oppressive warmth. Her body was aching and she took a long slow exhale. She remembered the men and the grappling trying to stop the needle going into her arm, the big crate open and waiting for its cargo. The blackness had […]

Private School 2

Heather was making pathetic, sobbing noises before her mother even left the building. Heather had lived a life of luxury and self indulgence. Nothing that had come before had ever prepared her for what she was experiencing now. “Your mother is gone now, Heather,” Miss Smithers announced. “Now you belong to me.” “Mmmmmfff,” Heather whined. […]

The Clinic

It was Kate’s first time going to the student clinic. Needless to say, she was very uncomfortable about the whole idea of getting examined by a doctor she’d never met. She wouldn’t have kept the silly appointment except- well, she just felt bad about cancelling appointments. It was her first year of college, her first […]

Jane’s Unexpected Examination

“Jane Wilson to Dr. Clinton’s room.” crackled the loud speaker. Jane, blonde, slim and forty, started to her feet and hurriedly set off down the corridor in the direction of the consulting rooms. It was her first visit to the new health centre and she was not certain which way to go. At the end […]

The Professor (Medical)

The Professor was a careful, methodical, organized man. He coiffed and trimmed his beard just so. He tied his bow ties perfectly evenly. He wore brown jackets with reinforced elbows just like any good professor might. He submitted immaculately written essays for professional journals. He edited his students’ essays savagely, marking them up with blue […]

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