Speculum Pages

Jane’s Unexpected Examination

“Jane Wilson to Dr. Clinton’s room.” crackled the loud speaker. Jane, blonde, slim and forty, started to her feet and hurriedly set off down the corridor in the direction of the consulting rooms. It was her first visit to the new health centre and she was not certain which way to go. At the end […]

The Professor (Medical)

The Professor was a careful, methodical, organized man. He coiffed and trimmed his beard just so. He tied his bow ties perfectly evenly. He wore brown jackets with reinforced elbows just like any good professor might. He submitted immaculately written essays for professional journals. He edited his students’ essays savagely, marking them up with blue […]

Lauren’s Bath

Lauren’s domineering mother had made an appointment for her at the Treatment Center to have her bath and hair washed. She just turned 18 years old, and her mother wanted her to get good and clean. She was told to be there at 3:30 p.m. Lauren was built tall, thin, 5’6″, long legs and narrow […]

Mother’s Milk

“Tomorrow? Are you sure?” Kylie rubbed her forehead in confusion. She could have sworn that Nathan’s check-up was scheduled for today; she’d checked her Blackberry twice before undergoing the complex preparations involved in taking an infant out of the house for an extended period of time. But the Blackberry would only confirm the note she […]

Nurse Callaway Succumbs

The nurse stood quietly next to the bed. She rested her hand on the plastic railing and wondered to herself “Am I really considering this?” She had heard this story before and had not once thought about helping the man who was telling it. Why was this guy any different? Walt was in his fifties […]

Doctor’s New Treatment Plan

I walked into the waiting room of the new doctor’s office and was pleased to find it wasn’t crowded. With a sigh of relief I walked to check in at the nurse’s station. I handed over my license and tried not to frown at the picture. Do they purposely try to catch you squinting and […]

Michelle’s First Exam

Michelle and Dr. Wellhung had been writing emails back and forth and chatting on instant messenger for nearly a month before she finally decided to follow through with her desire to undergo an examination. She was nervous, she was apprehensive, and she was also driven by a desire that was relentless. That was her dilemma. […]

Robin and The Doctor

Robin stood staring out the window of the maternity ward, watching the huge snowflakes blowing past the window. Already, she had put in three hours of overtime, since the evening shift was so slow getting in. Traffic crawled, when it moved at all. A bus, full of standees, took five minutes to go one block. […]

Eden Revisited

Adam lay in his hospital bed and gazed bleakly at the ceiling. This was turning out to be the very worst Christmas of all – appendicitis, of all things, had stricken him down a couple of weeks before the festive season. He had endured stoically the ritual humiliations, the rectal examination and being shaved by […]

Examining My Girlfriend

I graduated from nursing school in 1984. Part of any nursing program includes learning how to do physical assessment. Most schools teach you to everything but pelvic and rectal exams on other students – mannequins were used instead. We were tested on all aspects of the exam and our instructors suggested that we practice on […]

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