Natural Insemination 4

Note to the reader: This is a continuation of the previous chapter of the story “Natural Insemination.” It is recommended the chapters be read in sequence to properly describe the scene and introduce the characters. None of the characters are real, and this is purely a work of fiction with no basis in actual medical fact. Constructive comments welcomed.

“Well! The two of you seem to be getting along just fine!” The voice of Dr. Palin suddenly comes from the open door. I never heard the door open. I never heard her walk in. I was too occupied by the upright cock in my hand to pay much attention to anything else. Quickly, I pull back, feeling embarrassed.

“Don’t let me interrupt,” She acts unconcerned towards my behavior. “Go ahead if you want to. Don’t mind me.”

I let go anyway, and sit upright in the chair out of embarrassment. “Sorry,” I attempt to apologize. “I didn’t mean to.”

“Don’t stop on my accord,” She closes the door behind her and walks the rest of the way into the room. She takes a seat down onto her chair. “Hell, go ahead and masturbate him for all I care.”

“Masturbate?” I say in automatic surprise. “That’s not what I was doing!”

“I beg to differ!” She turns to question. “But no need to worry. Go ahead and give him a good pumping. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

I can’t believe what she suggests! She acts unconcerned, like she is accustomed to it happening all the time. And the way she suggests it right in front of him!

And Richard never turns away either, doesn’t even attempt to cover himself after she enters. He acts unconcerned and takes no action against her lurid suggestion, like he too is accustomed to it happening all the time.

At the same time, his enormous cock continues to stand upright. I notice it now gleams with moisture too, almost drips with pre-cum, making it obvious what I was doing. Still, I deny it. I don’t know why, it comes automatic. I’m supposed to be a good girl. I could never admit to doing something so dirty.

Meanwhile, the doctor wheels her chair over to the cupboards. She opens one door and then another, looking for something. For what, I don’t know. She doesn’t say, only grumbles that she can’t find it. She turns her back to me, to which I can’t help but take advantage of the opportunity to admire the ridged erection standing before me. It might even be larger than before, maybe grown another inch or two longer than earlier. A temptation builds up from deep inside me, a temptation to grab it again, to stroke on him some more. He remains standing within easy reach. I could if I really wanted to, but hold back in the presence of the Doctor.

“Here it is!” She finally finds it. She pulls out a clipboard, and then complains about one of the nurses putting it in the wrong place. I quick turn away from his cock when she wheels her chair back over.

“Now let me ask you,” She starts to question when she comes back again. “Have you talked it over with your husband? Did the two of you discuss the possibility of this young man impregnating you?”

I notice the way she points to his cock when she asks her question. It’s as though the rest of him doesn’t matter, only his big cock.

My eyes automatically follow her finger and look at it too. It’s easy to see. With him standing while the two of us sit, it appears in the perfect position to easily see. As I look, I can’t help but imagine what it would feel like to be impregnated by it, to feel it drive deep inside me, even to experience the sensation of that final push when he finally releases his seed.

“Well, um, not really,” I shake my head and come back to reality. I have a difficult time answering her question and looking at his cock at the same time.

“But it’s been almost a week!” Dr. Palin acts disappointed with me. “In all that time you never talked? How are you supposed to come to a decision if you never talked about it?”

“I tried!” I try to defend. “I brought it up, several times, but he said he was always too tired to talk about it.”

“Too tired?” She brushes his complaint aside. “Nonsense! I suspect he was actually too afraid to talk about it.”

I suspect her comment is more to the truth. She has the experience. I’m sure she’s talked to many young women in a similar situation.

“I’m sorry,” I feel I have disappointed her, so hang my head in shame. “But it’s difficult, you know, to talk about such a thing. How am I supposed to convince him?”

She lets out a breath and leans back in her chair. The chair she sits on doesn’t have a back. It’s nothing more than a stool with wheels, so she positions her hands in front and stretches back like an experienced acrobat.

“Don’t be sorry,” She consoles without looking at me. “I’ve seen many cases just like yours. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“Then what am I supposed to do?” I want to know about her other cases. I beg her to share her experience with me. I ask how the other women eventually got their husbands to agree.

“You first must understand his inadequacy,” She advises me after a minute of thought. She sits back up straight again. “Your husband has an inadequate cock, at least compared to someone like Richard.”

She again points to the cock standing upright between us, and again my eyes naturally follow. The thick mushroomed head of his cock actually seems to have accumulated additional moisture. I gasp as I realize he has pre-cummed as we talked about it.

“His inadequate cock is the reason he can’t impregnate you,” She goes on. “But also the reason you need someone like Richard to do the job instead. As long as your husband refuses to admit to this fact, then I’m afraid you will never convince him. You need to convince him that his small cock doesn’t make him any less of a man.”

I almost disagree with her. Looking at the cock before me, I can’t help but think lowly of my husband. Compared to Richard, he does seem inadequate. The cock before me would be able to penetrate me three times as deep; push me apart wider too. A warm sort-of heat rises up from my body as I dream about it, fantasize what it would be like.

“How do I convince him?” I shake the lustful thoughts out of my mind and try to return to the subject at hand. “How am I supposed to convince him that he’s no less of a man?”

“It is particularly difficult in your case,” The Doctor seems to ignore my question. “The problem is your husband’s macho behavior. The small size of his cock might even contribute to this behavior. He was probably teased by the other boys in school, perhaps had to fight to stand up for himself after gym class.”

She seems to conduct a miniature sociological assessment of my husband. Indeed, I recall he did get into a lot of fights while in High School. It was part of what attracted me to him. Like the runt puppy in the litter, I used to feel sorry about him always getting beat up by the other boys. Now I wonder if his small sized dick might have been part of the reason why the other boys teased and fought with him.

“But how do I convince him?” I ask again. “How do I convince my husband that his smallish cock doesn’t make him any less of a man?”

“By lying,” The doctor surprises me with her advice. “And with a lot of convincing acting.”

“What?” I don’t understand at all.

“Listen,” She talks to me like a Mother talks to her teenage daughter about sex. “We both know how important a large cock can be. It heightens the sexual experience for the female. It makes it more arousing, more interesting for her. A big cock can easily give an orgasm, even multiple orgasms.”

I never had anyone talk to me like this before. Size wasn’t supposed to be important. That’s what I was always told. I never thought of my husband as being particularly small, at least not before I met Richard. She may have a point, but I’m not sure.

“I don’t know,” I express my doubt.

“Of course you don’t know,” Dr. Palin almost laughs at me. “You never experienced a real cock. Your husband doesn’t give you orgasms on a regular basis. I can assure you, once you experience a cock the size of Richard’s,” She points to it once again. “You’ll never go back to anything as inadequate as your husband’s.”

The massive cock continues to point skyward right in front of me. The mushroom head glistens with moisture. I have to fight back the desire to grab it, to stroke it once more. Better yet, I would like to experience it and find out for myself if what she says is true.

“Is all that really true?” I ask because all I can do is ask. I question the Doctor as I look at it.

“I hope you will soon find out for yourself,” She answers. “I really do, but it all depends on if you can convince your husband. You know him a lot better than I do. You are the only one who can finally talk him into it in the end, but the macho type is always more difficult to convince. They know the truth, even if they don’t realize it.”

I am left dismayed. I don’t think I have any hope. I have never been very good at lying, especially to my husband. I lied to him about little things before, but never a lie as big as this. In my heart, I know he will never agree to allow me to be fucked by another man. He won’t even talk about it. How can I expect him to agree to it?

“But perhaps I can give you an incentive to build your confidence,” The Doctor gives me a glimmer of hope.

“What did you have in mind?” I ask with excitement.

“I don’t normally allow it,” She expresses reluctance.

“Anything!” I beg of her. I have no idea what she is talking about, but agree anyway.

“Normally I require the agreement of the husband,” She goes on. “And then I’m sure you would refuse anyway, but perhaps in this case it might be a good idea to medically determine if you are capable.”

I still don’t understand. I suspect, but it can’t possibly be! She would never allow it! And even if she allowed it, would I? Would I be willing to cheat on my husband?

“Medically?” I catch her particular use of the word.

“Medically,” She repeats the word. “You are a small girl. And the cock of your husband is certainly smaller than average. It could be dangerous, you know, and I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself when it comes time for you to get fucked by a real cock.”

“Medically?” I say in little more than a whisper. Her suggestion sounds more certain. I can’t believe she would really allow it.

“And I would hate for you to go through all the trouble of getting your husband to agree, only to find out you can’t accept a real cock,” She goes on as if she doesn’t hear me. “And it wouldn’t exactly be considered cheating on your part either, not if I determined it to be a medical necessity.”

“A necessity?” I think this strange, but at the same time understand where she is going. I know it is not really necessary, not medically, but I also can’t help but want to believe her.”

“I might even insist on it,” The Doctor goes on. “You know, out of purely medical considerations.”

I look to Richard’s cock and consider it too. I consider what it would feel like, how deep it would penetrate me, and then how much it would stretch me open too. Erotic thoughts cross my mind. A tingling sensation comes from somewhere deep inside.

“Yes, that is my decision,” She concludes after a short deliberation. “I believe it medically necessary, as they say, for you to give him a try.”

“Give him a try?” I repeat the words. They sound so cold, so clinical when she says them, yet at the same time they make me feel so incredibly hot inside.

The cock standing next to me seems to think so too. Not only does it stand upright so firm and hard, but then I notice it grow wet as well. A large wallop of pre-cum oozes out the tip. The sight gives me a start, and at the same time I can’t pull my eyes away, for I know it readies itself for me.

“No need to ask Richard,” Dr. Palin sees it too. She says it with a laugh, like she is having a good time. “He certainly looks to be attracted to you. It looks like he’s ready to go.”

I can’t help but agree with her. Not only because he stands so hard, but now his pre-cum makes it even more obvious to me. Never before has any man expressed such an intense interest in me. I can’t help but be interested in him as well.

“I must say Katie,” The Doctor continues after a brief pause during which both of us take a time out to watch his performance. “Richard definitely appears attracted to you. Care to speculate what he finds so attractive?”

She asks this in the form of a question,

those big tits of yours. I can tell he’s been wanting to fuck you ever since you first walked through the front door.”

She laughs some more, but I can hardly breathe. I can hardly believe it.

“Now, go ahead and slide on over to the end of the table,” She gets up out of her chair. She walks around Richard to stand on the far side of the exam table. Without saying a word, she motions with her hand for me to rotate around. “Sit on the edge,” She instructs. “Lay back and relax.”

Despite my beating heart, despite my heavy breaths, I behave like a robot on automatic. First I turn, and then I use my elbows to lie down on my back. I behave like a patient in a doctor’s office, which seems only natural, since I really am a patient and I really am in a doctor’s office. A few seconds later I find myself lying with my back on the exam table and my legs dangling over the side.

“And pull down those panties,” She shocks me with her next request.

“What?” I hesitate, not sure what to do. “I don’t know about this.”

“Yes you do!” She takes hold of my panties herself and pulls them on down.

Suddenly, before I even fully realize it, I find myself exposed. She pulls down my panties, and not just a little ways down either, but all the way down, down past my feet and completely off my body. When she is done, she throws them in the corner of the room as if to show I won’t be needing them for a long time.

“What are you doing?” I ask with worry, not quite believing what is happening to me. Before I fully realize what has happened, I am left wearing only a bra, and that is all. It’s been a long time since I showed myself down there, at least to a man other than my husband. Not since my young teenage years, before I met my husband, and back then it was dark. Now I lay in a well lit room.

I can’t help but feel like a slut, like a stripper on stage in a gentleman’s club. But at the same time, I can’t help but feel a powerful surge of excitement too, like a stripper on stage in a gentleman’s club. At the same time I look up to see his giant cock.

“Now come on over here,” The Doctor next turns her attention to Richard.

To my horror and then to my excited delight, he walks over to join her. The two of them stand on the far side of the table and before my open legs. I fail to notice my legs stand open at first. I could close them, but then I could provide cover with my hands too, but for some reason I fail to do anything at all. His giant cock does something to me. I realize what a shameless slut I must appear as: the tiny bikini top with nothing below my waist too.

The two of them talk. I can’t hear what they say, but I can tell they talk about me. I think they might even talk about my pussy. She seems to point to it, and then he seems to look at it. I realize she gives instruction on how to have intercourse with me.

“Oh my God!” I jump in fright when he steps close.

“Try to relax,” The Doctor steps over and attempts to calm me. “And remember this is purely a medical procedure.”

No way can I relax, especially when he takes my legs. His touch feels good. His strong hands fill me with excitement. It certainly doesn’t feel like any sort of medical procedure, at least no medical procedure I ever experienced before. First one leg, and then the other, he lifts them into the air and pulls them apart. I look down the length of my body to see his giant cock standing upright in the middle.

“Not yet,” She instructs him to do nothing at first. “There it is,” She points for him at my open cunt just like she pointed for me at his cock. “But not yet.

“Try to relax,” She comes over to tell me again. “You will enjoy it a lot more if you try to relax.”

She must be kidding! I am about to be fucked by a man other than my husband, and by a tall and handsome man with the biggest cock I have ever seen. My heart races. My breathing labors. If I feel this aroused at the mere thought of it, I don’t know how I will be able to stand the actual experience.

“Go ahead and stick it in,” I hear as out of a dream, and a moment later I feel it.

“Oh God!” I feel him push at my opening. He lowers his body, leans forward to better adjust his aim, and a moment later I feel him. I feel his wetness. I feel the smooth head of his cock. And then I feel him push into me.

“Oh God!” I cry out as he attempts to enter. He’s a lot bigger than my husband. I immediately feel the difference in size. The head of his cock feels more like a fist trying to enter me.

“Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!” I cry out against the intruder.

“Try to relax,” The doctor once again suggests. “This is normal.”

“Normal?” I can’t believe she considers the situation normal. “I don’t think he will fit,” I say with worry. It feels more like a fist tries to enter me.

“He’ll fit just fine,” Dr. Palin almost laughs at me. “You’re just not accustomed to a man of his size.”

She’s right. I fear I might not ever get accustomed to something so big inside me. He pushes hard at my opening. The loose paper on the exam table causes me to slide forward. Using my legs, he pulls me back into position. I grab the end of the table and hold on.

“He’s stretching you open a lot further than what you are accustomed to,” The Doctor tells me what I full well can easily feel for myself. “He’s going to enter a lot deeper too, but don’t worry. You’ll take all of him. Just think of it as being a virgin all over again.”

“Oh God!” The pressure continues. I feel him go in, especially the swollen cock-head, even the rim around the head. I feel every inch of him. And it travels so slowly down the length of my hole, and so deep too, already deeper than my own husband’s pathetic little cock. Just when I think I can take no more, he pushes some more, and further in it goes. I realize it really is like being a virgin. Half my cunt has never been experienced before.

“She really must be tight!” The voice of the doctor comes from somewhere seemingly far away. “But keep working her. I’m sure she’ll be able to take it. You just need to be gentle with her this first time.”

The words come from the doctor. She speaks them to Richard, but I hardly pay them any attention. So engrossed in the moment, I can pay attention to only one subject at a time. For the moment, the overwhelming subject is his cock.

“Lucky I didn’t let Jason go at her,” The Doctor speaks some more. “She needs practice before she will be able to take anything more physical.”

It feels almost surreal. She talks to him, to the man fucking me, while I am being fucked. My mouth opens wide. My eyes move to the back of my head. I relish the sensation of the hard cock driving into me, and then I think of what she said about Jason the week before, what she said about him being rough. I wonder how much harder he will drive. I wonder if I will be able to take him too.

Through all this, Richard remains completely silent. He doesn’t say a word. He only fucks, as if his only purpose in life is to fuck, and I can feel for myself why his only purpose might indeed be to fuck. The pressure never diminishes. Ever so slowly his giant cock drives deeper inside. It feels as if I am being speared, as if a giant dildo attempts to enter, but never have I used such a large dildo. Through it all, there is no pain. I almost expect to feel at least a little pain, but none at all. I can’t believe a fuck could ever feel so good.

It takes a full minute before I finally feel his thighs rub against my open legs. Finally, he appears to be all the way inside.

“How does it feel?” The Doctor asks a stupid question.

“Incredible!” I tell her the truth.

“So what I said about size…” She starts to say.

“It really does make a difference!” I finish the sentence for her.

She lets out a little giggle. “You poor, deprived girl,” She almost teases. “You never knew what you were missing.”

She very possibly could be right. I never realized it could feel so good. I never realized size made such a difference. His cock feels like it extends half way up to my chest, his wide girth stretching me wide at the same time.

“And just think,” The Doctor bends down low and whispers into my ear. “You haven’t experienced anything yet.”

And with that, he pulls almost all the way out. He does it quick, a lot faster than what he went in. It takes only a second. I automatically moan with displeasure. Never before have I felt so empty, but just then he fills me back up again.

“Yes!” I nearly scream.

He stabs forward and rams it into me. This time he does it with a single, swift thrust, and I can’t help but yell out at the sensation, the feeling of his hard cock as it pushes and stretches my entire length. His strong hands grip my thighs tight as he stabs, keeping me from pushing away, forcing the cock in deep. I grip the end of the exam table too, wishing him inside, not wanting to be pushed away.

First one, then a second, and eventually a third thrust pushes inside. I lift my waist like a wanton slut to give him better access, allowing him to thrust deeper into me. A pair of strong hands move further underneath me, his fingers grasp my ass. They feel cold and course, like the hands of a man accustomed to doing physical labor. It doesn’t take long before his thighs press tighter against my own. It feels as if he grows harder and longer too.

“Now you’re getting the hang of it,” The Doctor encourages me on like the coach at a sporting event.

I hardly hear her. Again and again, he fucks. Faster and faster he goes. And seemingly deeper too! It feels like his cock has enlarged to even more substantial dimensions. Just when I think it can’t feel any better, he rams it in harder.

“Holy shit!” I soon find myself crying out with delight. “Holy! Fucking! Shit!” I cry out with each thrust.

“I told you that size made a difference,” Dr. Palin reminds me.

“It really does!” I hear myself respond to her. “He’s incredible!”

I find myself breathing hard, even panting. The thrusts go in easier, not as tight. I feel a great wetness down there, increased lubrication. Whether the lubrication comes from him or me, I can’t tell. It serves to further heighten the experience. Faster and faster the thrusts go in and then back out of me. They go in so far, and then it takes so long for him to pull out too. It feels as if he attempts to pull out nearly all the way before thrusting back in again, behaving as if he purposely gives me the experience of his full length every time.

I soon start to feel it, a surge of heat radiates from deep inside me. I’ve felt it before, but only on a few rare occasions. Immediately, I know what is happening to me. I arch my back and get ready to receive it.

“Oh God!” I sway out my arms in anticipation. “He’s incredible!”

And just then, it hits me. Not a slow buildup like all my previous experiences, but more of a sudden rush. My entire body goes ridged. A flash of intense heat radiates through me. I open my mouth to scream, but then no sound comes out. Down there, I start to spasm.

Meanwhile, Richard momentarily stops fucking to allow me to take it all in. He knows what to do. The man has vast experience giving it to women. With his cock imbedded as far as it can go, I feel my own cunt spasm against it.

“Oh fuck!” I can’t help but cry out loud. Initially I go silent when it first hits me, but then can’t help but yell at him. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” I arch backwards in attempt to get it to go on.

The orgasm lasts for several seconds, much longer than any of my previous orgasms. My own husband never made me feel like this, not even close! It must come from his size, I figure, and the way it stretches me open so deep. My entire body initially goes ridged, but then I allow my arms to flay freely about. I can’t help it. His fuck is like an intense drug. It takes about a minute for me to come down off the high, for the effect of the drug to gradually diminish.

“That was one,” The Doctor says somewhere seemingly far away.

“One?” I ask her back as if from a dream. It’s difficult to talk. I pant like I can hardly breathe.

“The first one,” She clarifies for me. “Are you ready for another?”

And with that, Richard leans forward and takes me by the arms. He takes hold of me just below the elbow, to both my arms at the same time, lifts me like a rag doll and pulls me up and completely off the table.

“Another?” I cry on in a shriek as I am being raised, and then a second later the thrusts start up all over again.

“No!” I realize he remains hard. He lifts me up, and then he slams me back down onto it again. I feel his hardness continue. He remains fully imbedded inside. I realize he hasn’t yet cummed, so it isn’t yet over!

“No! No! No!” I cry out with each subsequent jab.

Unbelievably, the fucking continues, slower this time, and from a different position. His oversized cock comes up from below. He fucks me in a standing position. My feet don’t even touch the ground. His cock seems to be the only thing holding me up. His hands too, when they pull me up, but then he keeps dropping me back down onto his cock again and again.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” I pant with each thrust. His waist is strong. He thrusts hard. I rise a seemingly long ways up each time, and then I come crashing back down onto him with an intensity I never imagined. It feels as if I am being reamed out. I’ve never been fucked nearly so hard before.

“Oh! God! Damn!” I can only form words between the thrusts. He handles me like a rag doll, allowing my entire body to bounce up and down. My head sways back and forth. My breasts brush up and down against his naked chest. As for my legs, I first allow them to flay about, but then think to bring them around to lock my ankles together behind him. I lock my legs as if never wanting to let go, and still he keeps right on fucking through it all.

I soon find myself sweating. He sweats too, I notice when my forehead touches his hard, muscular chest. Both of us pant and grunt. He must have strong legs and thighs. A strong cock too, strong enough to seemingly support my weight. I rise a long ways with each thrust. His manhood seems to spear into me ever deeper with each stab.

Eventually, I lean back and allow myself to be suspended in mid-air as he fucks. I feel my boobs heave up and down, bouncing so hard I fear they might bounce out. If not out, I fear they might rip the narrow straps of the bikini apart. I’m giving him a show, I realize, but at the same time I don’t care.

And then it hits me again. It comes without warning, and then I cum. A second orgasm! Once again I go ridged as he imbeds himself fully inside and allows me to experience his full length.

“Fuck!” I arch my back and eventually yell out loud, feeling it hit me like a tidal wave. Never before have I experienced a double orgasm. The second takes longer. It takes a lot more fucking than the first. It also hits harder, maybe even twice as hard, or perhaps it’s just my imagination. Whatever the case, I experience the second orgasm of the afternoon, the second in just one session. Never before have I ever experienced two in a row.

“Two,” The doctor responds simply.

I hardly hear her, being too caught up in the orgasm to hear much of anything at all. At the same time, Richard pulls completely out. He does it so quick I hardly notice. First he lays me back onto the table, and then he pulls his cock back out. For the first time in perhaps the last twenty minutes, I am empty. The sudden void makes me feel lonely. I want to feel him again, and then look up to see it.

“More?” I question out loud when I see it. His cock seems to stand even taller than before, and so incredibly wide in girth as well. I can’t believe I have just taken the whole thing inside me, and then think about it standing hard and tall too. Still, he hasn’t cummed! It isn’t over yet! I can believe a man capable of lasting so long.

As if reading my mind, he takes me by the ankles. He lifts them high, and then pulls my legs apart. I’ve never before been made so vulnerable. It makes me feel dirty, so much like a slut, but at the same time feels so good.

Then he pauses. He leans over me with his huge cock poised at my entrance. My legs he pushes back even further. I feel my ass rise up off the table, my cunt along with it, and still with his cock poised at my entrance. He holds it there, as if tempting me, as if purposely increasing my arousal. I want him so bad. His strategy works.

And then, all of a sudden, he drives it all the way inside with a single, swift motion.

“Ahh!” I can’t help but cry out. I almost scream. It feels so good! I can actually hear it go in. It reminds me of the sound a plunger might make as it squeezes into a tube of grease.

Deep inside, and then he slowly pulls himself almost all the way out. It must take him near a half-minute to pull so far out, but then just before he leaves me completely, he rams himself back in even faster the second time.

“Ahh!” My entire body shutters. I lift my head up high. My arms go flaying, and then my entire body flops back down onto the exam table. Never before have I felt like this.

Again he pulls out slow and then rams it in hard, and then again, and then yet again. He fucks me like an animal, like he is some kind of mindless beast whose only purpose in life is to fuck. I feel like an innocent young virgin all over again, my heart racing with excited energy, my entire body drenched in sweat.

The mindless fucking continues. Slow out, and then fast in. Again and again he goes at it. He varies his speed, sometimes pauses at the entrance to my cunt hole as if to tease, and then plows it back in. Each thrust pushes my body further back along the exam table. I must grab the side to pull myself back into position. He sometimes grabs me by the waist and pulls me back too.

The thrusts don’t come in any sort of steady rhythm. He varies his timing, varies his thrusts, all in an attempt to increase my ecstasy. Sometimes he waits for me to get back into position. Other times he thrusts his cock back into me before I am ready, giving me a thrill, making me shriek. I can’t help but imagine the two of us back at the house and in the same position on my husband’s bed. I imagine myself lying down and he stands at the far end. And then I start to wonder how many more positions he might know to fuck me in. I can’t imagine being fucked like this on a consistent basis, every night, for 42 times in a row.

And again and again it goes on. Each time the same, a slow pull out and then a fast stab back in. Richard clearly knows how to fuck. He obviously has a lot of practice. I briefly wonder what other little tricks he might know, and just then the full length of his cock dives back in. The thought momentarily leaves my mind. His monster cock seems to brainwash me.

Forty-two times in a row. The number keeps echoing in my mind. I wonder what he will all be able to teach me in that time, all the different positions we will do it in. This is just the start, I realize, first grade. I still have a lot more grades to go, so much more to learn before I am awarded a diploma.

He fucks me like this for a long time. I’m not sure how long he fucks. I no longer have the ability to keep track of time. I find myself actually wanting to have yet another orgasm. Already he’s given me two of them. I seldom have even one, and now I plead for a third.

“No!” I tell him when he eventually pulls out completely. I am insatiable. I behave like such a whore. “Fuck me,” I look down to tell him, and then receive the shock of my life.

His cock still stands tall. It stands up between my open legs. He continues to hold my ankles so my legs remain apart and my cunt in the most vulnerable position. Direct in the center stands his upright cock, standing as hard as ever, but then I notice it move. It moves on its own, without him touching it, without anyone touching it, rising up and down as if having spasums. I find it an exciting image to behold, but then he grunts, and I see it form a giant arch.

“Fuck!” I yell out loud as a long white string extends high up into the air, unbelievably high, seemingly all the way to the ceiling. And the sheer volume of it! There’s so much of it! It forms a long, unbroken string, like a rope, and then seems to freeze in mid-air for several seconds for me to admire. Just when I think it can extend no longer, it comes crashing back down onto my chest and stomach.

“Oh my God!” I cry out when I feel it.

Most of his cum splatters onto my chest. It lands between my boobs, into my cleavage, and then splatters all around after it hits. Some splatters onto both boobs. Some splatters onto my neck and chin. I think I might even taste some of it from when I open my mouth wide and cry out in amazement.

And then he does it again. A second grunt, and then a second shot of cum. It rises as high as the first, appears to freeze in mid-air too, and then comes splattering back down to join the first. I can’t believe how much cum he shoots. I can’t believe how much he is capable of putting out. There must be near a full glass of it. I think of the cum, and then think of all the sperm he could shoot inside me. Richard would have no trouble getting me pregnant. His sperm would fill me completely, probably to overflowing.

A grunt and then a third spurt shoots high and then comes splattering back down on my near-naked body. I find myself covered with it. A white streak of it runs down between my cleavage, like a white river, and thick enough to stay in place. It starts to overflow, flows down my shoulders and then past my neck.

A much smaller fourth and then a fifth spurt fails to shoot as far or as much. It ejects only far enough to land on my stomach, and then yet another of similar strength follows after a longer delay. I watch it spurt, taking delight in the sight of his ejecting cock. He does this all as I watch. He doesn’t touch it. Neither do I. His cock remains uncovered and bare for me to gaze upon. I see every spasm. I get to see the way it pulses as it shoots. Never before have I gotten such an up close and intimate look at an ejaculating cock, and I find myself loving it.

Best of all, Richard makes no move to cover himself in shame or embarrassment. Neither does he masturbate himself with his own hand. He behaves as if he enjoys the fact I can watch, as if he finds delight at the opportunity to show himself off to me, like a talented musician up on stage. This could be why it lasts so long. It must be the reason the ejaculations shoot out so many times.

Eventually, the ejections diminish and it appears as if he is finished, although his cock continues to convulse and a few more dribbles come out. All of this I watch with amazement and interest. The sight of it is almost enough to give me a third orgasm.

* * * * *

“I think he likes you,” The doctor reminds me that she remains in the room. She’s been in the room the whole time. She’s been watching us. Never before has another woman watch me have sex with a guy. It somehow makes me excited knowing she’s seen me have an orgasm.

“That was the most he put out in a long time,” She even sounds impressed with my performance. “I guess you could say that you brought out the best in him!”

Looking down upon myself, I agree. I raise myself up on my elbows to take a look. “Oh my God!” I can’t help but cry out in amazement at the sight. “I never knew! How can any guy?”

I start to say but can’t even finish the words. The whole front of my body is covered in a thick coating of spunk. Most of it extends in a long line down the middle of my body. More dribbles off my boobs, swimsuit, stomach, and goes all the way up to my neck. When I sit up on my elbows, it starts to flow down the length of my body to between my legs, making me wonder if just his sperm on the outside might be enough to impregnate me inside.

“Just think of him unloading inside you,” The Doctor speaks from over my shoulder. “And then think of him doing it twice per day, every day, and for a full three weeks in a row,” She fuels my imagination.

I can’t help but want him to do it many more times. I want a repeat performance, and then I think how much more incredible it would be to have him explode inside me. He would fill me to capacity, probably enough to impregnate me from a single fuck. No way would I be satisfied with just one. I already want more. I want him to fuck me again and again.

“Oh yes!” I eventually voice out loud.

“Of course!” The Doctor replies almost in a laugh. “That is why I wanted to give you this advanced demonstration. Consider it a preview to the real show, like the preview to a good movie. I hope it gives you some extra incentive to convince your husband.”

“Yes it does!” I assure her. “I’m sure I can get him to agree, eventually, somehow…”

My voice trails off as I consider the possibilities and try to think up some additional options to get my husband to agree. Nothing comes to mind at the moment, but I feel more confident than ever before. The reward proves too fabulous to brush aside. I must do everything I can to convince him.

The doctor lets out a slight chuckle at my reaction. My lust appears humorous to her. I’m sure she’s seen it before, probably many times, and from many different women.

“In the meantime,” She eventually continues after a short pause to return to her professional nature. “Perhaps you might be interested in going back to your hand and finishing him off the rest of the way?”

“My hand?” I don’t understand. “Finish him off?”

“He’s still hard,” She points. “He’s not done yet.”

I look down with wonder. I look at it with awe. The cock still points skyward. It hasn’t softened, not even after ejaculating so much. I don’t understand.

“He pulled out too soon,” The Doctor must explain. “He pulled out so not to impregnate you, at least not yet, but this means he failed to finish. I’d say a few minutes with your hand should just about do it.”

She smiles at me and then turns to leave. “Have a good time,” I hear from somewhere further behind. “You know the drill.”

And with that, I am suddenly left all alone with the big man once again. I can’t believe it. I’m not sure what to do. Richard does nothing to relieve my confusion. He remains standing, says nothing, and continues to allow his erect cock to do all the talking for him. I know he wants it, and not only from the size of his cock. He sweats. He breathes hard too, and he looks desperate for me to take it. He also looks at me, I notice, his eyes pointed down to my large boobs in their small covering. I’m accustomed to men looking at my chest. They do so even when I wear blouses, T-shirts, and a full complement of clothing. I catch guys looking a lot more when I wear anything low cut or that fits tight across my chest. No wonder Richard looks, considering what little I wear. I’m practically naked, which gives me an idea.

“You like?” I glance down along with him. “Would you like to see more?”

He jumps back in shock. My promiscuity surprises him, but I don’t know why he should be surprised, not after what we’ve both just been through. He’s already seen most of me. I figure why not show him the rest. Eventually, he nods in the affirmative, silently voicing his agreement.

“You don’t say much,” I comment. He hasn’t said much for a long while. He hardly talked at all while we fucked, other than a few moans and grunts. Not that I mind the strong silent type, especially when it comes equipped with a large cock.

“Nothing much to say,” He eventually answers, speaking with as few words as possible. He acts like a shortage of words exists in the world and he must ration them carefully. The fact I am reaching around to undo the back string of my top might have something to do with it too. His eyes continue to look down at my chest. He’s not shy about looking at me.

It takes longer than it should to untie the rear of the bikini. My hands shake. They perspire with sweat. The string slips from my fingertips, so I must grab it again, and pull. As far as showing him, I figure why not? He’s sure to see me anyway. Plus, I somehow want to reward him. After such an impressive performance with his cock, I feel almost as if I owe it to him.

His breathing seems to turn harder as soon as I succeed. So does his cock. It points up taller, even spasums, almost jumps with excitement. The sight of it makes me want to show all I have to offer. He still can’t see anything, or at least nothing more than before, but I suppose he must have noticed my boobs lose their support when I untied the strings.

He licks his lips as though anxious to take a taste of what I have to offer. I am momentarily diverted as I imagine him tasting them, kissing them, his lips puckered up to my nipples. I’m sure he would like to take a suck on my nipples. I hope to give him the opportunity.

“Would you like to see more?” I ask a second time

“Oh yes!” This time, he answers. He compliments at the same time. I like the way he answers in a gasp, like a young virgin about to get his first look at a real pair of tits. I am actually anxious to show him. I want him to see all I have to offer, so with that, I pull up the two strings and pull off the cups.

“Oh God!” He actually pants when he sees my bare breasts. He jumps back too, and so does his cock. I like the way it jumps for me.

“Do you like them?” I ask a stupid question.

Of course he likes them! I can tell how much he likes them. All I need to do is glance down at his massively erect cock. Every guy likes a big pair of tits, and especially a horny guy waiting to be jacked off. His cock actually moves as he gyrates his hips with excitement, causing the long appendage to bob up and down, making the big thing look almost alive right in front of me.

“Then come closer,” I invite. “Go ahead and take a feel if you would like.”

This seems to surprise him, as if he doesn’t usually get to feel the boobs of the women he is fucking, but I want him to feel mine. He steps forward. His hands slowly rise. I sit up straighter and push out my chest to give him the best possible feel.

“Wow!” It doesn’t take him long to take a feel. He uses both hands, one on each boob, and first touches them with just the tips of his fingers. “So big!”

He knows this already. He saw it for himself when he just looked at them. All the guys think my boobs are big, but then they are.

“Do you like them?” I ask again. He never did answer me the first time, at least not verbally.

“Oh yes!” He expresses his delight. “So firm!” He compliments. “Magnificent!”

I’m glad he likes them. I also enjoy the feeling of his hands upon me. It’s been a long time since any hands besides my husband’s have touched my bare breasts. Richard handles them with care, more gently than most, like my boobs are a pair of precious orbs that could break and shatter if handled too roughly.

Eventually he gets around to turning a little rougher and gives them a squeeze. Not hard, but a gentle squeeze. He attempts to lift them too, as if to judge their weight. Men like to squeeze and manipulate my boobs all around. I’ve noticed it with my husband when we were first married. I noticed it a lot more with old boyfriends. He lifts one in each hand and attempts to give me cleavage.

Soon, he moves his fingers over the tips of my nipples and gives me a thrill.

“Oh!” I involuntarily let out a gasp.

“So hard!” He voices back.

Yes, my nipples do stand tall and hard. They also seem unusually sensitive, which I suppose might have something to do with the intense fuck I just received. He roles his fingers across them several more times, and then circles around as if to tease them.

“You naughty boy!” I tease him back. I behave like a horny young slut working a street corner. “Now bring that cock closer and let’s see what else it can do.”

He obeys me like I am his mistress. As soon as he gets close enough, I reach out and grab it once again. I wrap my fingers around, and this time I do it with a lot less hesitance than before. I don’t act shy. I grab his cock like I own it.

“That’s nice,” I take a feel of its wide circumference and long length. It feels a lot slicker than before. It feels wetter too, coated in a combination of his cum and sperm, and then there are my own juices too. It feels incredible. I so much want it to shoot its full load deep inside me.

“I can’t wait for next time,” I tell him as I give it a squeeze. “Don’t worry, they’ll be plenty of next times. I’ll be sure to convince my husband to let me have lots of next times.”

Just then I know what to do. I know how to persuade my husband, how to talk him into letting me be fucked by this big man. I don’t know why I haven’t thought of it before. It seems so obvious! I should have thought of it first thing, but then I suppose I didn’t have the impetus of a cock to point it out to me. All I need to do is withhold sex from my husband long enough for him to be putty in my hand.

As I begin to stroke on Richard, I think through each deceptive step to trick my husband into letting me stroke Richard a whole lot more. I will start with the today’s appointment. I’ll act like I am pissed at him when I get home, tell him how embarrassed I felt sitting in the waiting room. “I waited for over an hour,” I’ll say. “I tried to call you repeatedly.” It will be the truth, sort-of, just with the details left out. I did call repeatedly, twice as a matter of fact. I just won’t tell him what I was doing during my long wait. In any case, I can carry a grudge for a long time, stay pissed at him for at least a week, maybe two. There will be no sex while I am in such a mood.

Later, I’ll simply tell him there’s no point in us having sex any more. We tried it before. We know it won’t give me a child. If he’s not willing to allow me to be impregnated by someone who will make it work, then why should I have intercourse with someone who can’t? I might even tell him that I no longer get much pleasure from having sex with him, which might not be so far from the truth. After the newfound experience with Richard, I doubt if I will get much pleasure from him at all.

At the same time, I imagine myself wearing my most provocative outfits to keep him plenty excited and always horny. I’ll put on tight fitting blouses, I’ll be sure to wear shorts that come almost all the way up to my ass, and then I’ll show cleavage with a few open buttons on any button-down blouse too. I already have a few sexy items in the closet. I can always go shopping for a few more. “Oh, this little thing,” I imagine myself teasing him when he eventually notices. Perhaps I might even step out of the bathroom topless or bend down low right in front of him. My plunging tits always did drive him nuts. Or I can buy myself a sexy little teddy to wear to bed, or maybe a bikini just like the one Dr. Palin provided, just like the one I was formally wearing. It’ll be enough to drive him wild with lust. He will have no choice but to give in. It shouldn’t even be all that hard to convince him.

A moan sounds from another man standing right in front of me. His hands have long since left my boobs. It is as though he can only take so much, either my hand or my tits, so he lets go of my boobs to experience the full force of my hand. I realize my hand strokes on him fast, racing up and down his cock, beating his meat like some well practiced whore. By the end of the “treatments,” I may be very much like a whore. I think of all the new positions Richard will be able to teach me, all the different ways he will fuck me.

Another moan. I had almost forgotten about him, about Richard, being so absorbed into the thoughts of how to trick my husband. I suddenly come back to him. I remember what I hold in my hand.

“Cum for me,” I slow my strokes and tell him in a tease. “Let’s see how much more you have.”

He sweats, I notice, as though exhausted with the whole experience. He appears to try to hold out, holding it inside to give me as much time as possible. I imagine him doing the same when he fucks me, giving me orgasm after orgasm. I can’t wait for him to fuck me again and again. I wonder how many weeks it will take my husband to eventually give in.

A third moan. He sounds close. He feels close too. His cock feels as hard as a rock. It might even shiver in my hand. I slow even further in an attempt to feel it.

And then he grunts. He grunts just like he did earlier, just before he came all over me. I can tell he’s about to cum, and then I know he is.

Just then, it happens. I have his cock pointed up at my chest when he does it. As I watch, a long string of sperm shoots up between my swelling mounds. It hits me on the neck and just below the jaw, causing me to laugh. At the same time, I look down at his cock with awe and amusement. How can a guy possibly have so much? Where can all his cum be coming from?

He grunts again, and I make sure to point his cock so the second shot hits me in the left boob. It hits with force onto the underside of my boob. It even tickles a little, like someone poking a finger into my boob. I plan to let Richard play with my boobs all he wants. He will certainly want to poke them, and then he will want to feel and squeeze them too. Every guy likes a big pair of boobs. Richard is going to love them.

A short squirt onto my right breast, and then finally he drools. His head slumps back. He looks as if he is about to faint. At the same time, a small geyser of his thick, white goo oozes up and out of his cock to land on my fingers. Finally, he appears done. I can’t believe a guy capable of spurting so much.

“Next time,” I conclude in little more than a whisper after I finally drain him. “You’ll be doing it inside me without a rubber.”

The End

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