Intensive Care

When John woke up at 9 p.m. he knew that something was wrong. The lights were on when he woke, and he vaguely realized that that was very unusual. After all, he always turned out the lights when he went to bed. Fuzzy memories of a party bubbled up from the murkier parts of his mind, and he realized that he had a headache to match. Of course, that was it. They’d thrown a party, and he’d gotten smashed. So he’d forgotten to turn off the lights. Sure. He probably had a lot of cleaning up to do… Oh, God, this was the worst hangover he’d ever had. Even his legs hurt…

He slowly opened one eye to see if the world anything like the last time he saw it. That was a mistake. He quickly closed the eye again, realizing something was seriously wrong. He’d been known to wake up in quite a few places, but this was definitely a first. He opened his eyes again, looked around. The hospital room was mostly white, and sterile and anonymous as such rooms usually are. The room contained a single bed with clean, white sheets. The bed contained John.

Confusion ruled. What the hell – he had been partying, and the next thing he knew was lying in some hospital with pain in his legs, his head, and in most of the rest of his anatomy. What had happened?

After a few minutes of dizzy contemplation, he realized that there must have been some accident. But how? At the party? Somewhere else? And what day was it?

Then the door opened quietly, and a nurse walked into the room. “I see we’re awake,” she commented, when she saw he had his eyes open. “Errrr,” John commented in a voice that seemed to belong to his deceased grandfather. “You look awake, but about myself I’m not sure…” He looked around, saw a glass of water standing beside his bed. He reached over to pick it up, than groaned. Pain shot through him as he tried to sit up.

“No, don’t move,” the nurse cautioned him. “You’re still weak, and your legs haven’t recovered yet.”

She took the glass, lifted his head a bit and let him drink. It made him feel better. Somewhat, at least. Slowly his vision, which was still a bit blurred, improved, and he looked around the room curiously. Since there wasn’t very much to see except that it really was a hospital room, he looked at the nurse. That proved much more rewarding. She was tall, had red hair, and, curiously, deep green eyes. Her figure was partially concealed by the clothing so typical for nurses all over the world, but what he could make out was promising, since the white textile displayed interesting curves in all the right places.

“Maybe you’d better tell me what happened,” he said. “All I remember is a party… It must have been quite a smasher.” “You had a car accident. I believe you were on your way home from a party.”

Of course! It HAD been a party, but not at his place – at Michaels! And he’d been driving home? “I must have been pretty far gone then…” John mused. “I usually don’t drive when I’m drunk… What’s the damage?” “The doctor will see you tomorrow morning,” she replied. “In the meantime, I can tell you that both your legs are broken, about four inches below the knees. But it doesn’t look serious.” “Broken? Can I take a look?” John asked. He suddenly had disturbing visions of himself hobbling around on crutches for the rest of his life.

The nurse pulled away the sheet that covered him from the chest, and John looked down to survey the battle field. It was a real mess.

He was naked. Whatever part of his legs was visible was covered with bruises, ranging from deep purple to a dark shade of yellow. Both his legs were covered with plaster from the knees down. He could not move his legs at all, and it hurt when he tried.

Fortunately, all visible damage was below his hips. His thighs looked reasonably intact, and the equipment between them showed no signs of damage.

She followed his gaze, looking straight at his groin. “Don’t worry, everything’s still in place there.” She smiled. “And I must admit that that would have been a real shame…” John knew that he had nothing to complain about, but he’d never considered himself as heavy hung. Her remark took him completely by surprise. “Aaahmmm… yes… well, ah… That’s good.” He stammered, a bit embarrassed. She pulled up the sheet again, and changed the subject by checking his blood pressure.

“What happens next?” John asked. Though his legs still hurt, his headache was slowly subsiding, and he decided that he probably would live through all this.

“First you need a bath,” the nurse told him. “You’re starting to get a bit smelly. You’ve been out for over 24 hours, you know, and you weren’t too fresh to start with.”

“How?” John asked. He didn’t see how he could get out of the bed already.

“I’ll be back in a couple of minutes to wash you,” she said. “In the meantime, I’ll get you a razor and a toothbrush.” She turned and walked out of the room. John admired the swaying movements of her buttocks under the white hospital fabric.

Shaving and brushing his teeth using a stainless steel basin proved awkward. Nevertheless he managed, and after about 15 minutes the nurse returned, pushing a cart with more basins, towels, soap, and a couple of boxes which, John guessed, contained medical implements. He wasn’t really curious to find out.

She closed the door and locked the bathroom-type latch. She took the basin he’d used for shaving and put it on the cart. Then she pulled back the sheet. “Just relax,” she told him, reaching for a towel.

John laid back passively as she washed him. “We’ll have to skip your back for the moment,” she said. “You’d better not sit up just yet.”

When she came to his groin, it happened. John had been a little afraid of that, which of course only hastened the reflex. Embarrassed he felt himself harden under her hands as she rinsed him. Sorry,” he muttered, his face beet-red. “Don’t worry,” she answered lightly. “You’re not the first. It’ll go away in time, I expect.” She went on rinsing him, then washed and rinsed his penis, too. Unfortunately, the water was warm, not cold. Right now John would have preferred ice water.

Then she just ignored his manhood, which stood proud and tall by now. John was glad for that. She cleaned the parts of his legs that were not covered by bandages, using some cold, weird smelling antiseptic. She put away the tissues and folded the towel. Then she pulled back the sheet over him. His penis, still standing rigid, made a tent out of the white fabric. The sight was ridiculous.

“Hm…” she mused. “That just won’t do, I’m afraid. ” She pulled back the sheet and gazed down on his throbbing erection. The blue-veined column nodded gently in the rhythm of his pulse, the head reddish purple, shiny with excitement.

“It seems we’ll have to do something about that monster…” she smiled. “And if I’m the one to have caused it, I think I’d better be the one to dispose of it.” She took his hot shaft in her hand, ran her thumb along the rim of his head. John gasped. The feeling was electric as she ran the fingers of her other hand across his scrotum, then cupped his balls. His hips tensed.

“Now don’t move! Whatever happens, don’t move,” she cautioned him. “You’re legs are still in bad shape, remember.” Then she bent down and put her lips on the tip of his penis. Her tongue gently licked the slit, then she opened her mouth a bit further to take him inside. With her hand she pulled down the skin of his shaft to increase the tension on the head. Then she slowly started pumping him, her mouth licking and sucking gently. John gasped again. “Hush,” she whispered around his head. “We don’t want any company.” Then she took him back into the wet warmth of her mouth.

He couldn’t believe it! There he lay, being blown by a fabulous redhead he didn’t even know! And she was very good at it, too. Her fingers played a delicious game around his shaft and balls, while her tongue licked around the head of his penis, running around the rim and the slit. Then she started sucking rhythmically. He felt the tip of him expand inside the vacuum of her mouth. The slippery wet friction was delicious, almost too much.

A wonderful feeling started to build in his groin. He realized it wouldn’t be long now. Apparently, she felt it too, because her licking became increasingly delicate, and the movements of her hands slowed, until she was merely caressing him. The delicious sensations in his crotch increased, extended to his hard cock, rose and rose, spread through his balls, and finally reached the tip of his penis just as she sucked. Lightning struck his shaft, and he exploded right into her mouth. He pissed stars against her palate. Then his spasms began, and he shot and shot and shot. She swallowed it all, until he had no more.

Then she looked up, smiled at him. “Wow…” John said. He was literally speechless, astonished by what had happened.

“Really?” she mocked him. “At least the treatment seems to have been successful.” She looked down at his penis, limp now that his excitement had found a release.

“Thanks,” John said.

“Oh, that’s quite all right…” she answered as she walked around the bed. She bent down, reached under it and pulled a handle. Slowly the whole bed lowered until it was almost three feet from the floor. “Do you think you’re fit enough to return the favor?” She started unbuttoning her uniform.

“I could give it a try, I suppose…” John smiled.

“Good,” she replied briskly. “Because this has kind of gotten to me, and I need to get rid of it, too.” The white uniform dropped to the floor. Underneath she was naked, except for a tiny pair of white panties. Her breasts were full and firm, dark nipples at the tips already stiff with excitement. There was a large wet spot in the front of her panties where the outline of her vaginal slit shimmered through the thin fabric. She put her thumbs under the elastic band, then slowly pulled down the panties and stepped out of them. Between her legs she was a redhead, too, John saw.

She kneeled on the edge of the bed, then put up one leg and placed it at the other side of his head so that she sat straddling his face. “Careful, don’t try to get up,” she cautioned him. “We don’t want to tire you.” She parted her thighs, gently lowering her torso until her groin was completely exposed to him. Her smell, the musky and delicious fragrance of a woman who is sexually excited, hit him full in the stomach. She pulled her inner thighs even further apart with her hands, spreading the labia. Her pink inner folds were shiny with wetness. Her clitoris was pink-reddish.

She slowly moved her knees a bit, gently lowering herself on him, pressed her vagina on his lips. He put his hands on her thighs, stroked her buttocks with the tips of his fingers. Then he kissed her there, at that most intimate spot between her legs. She gasped as he ran his fingers through her short red curls.

John slowly extended his tongue, probed between her labia. She tasted sweet and slightly salty at the same time. He licked along the outline of her labia, then caressed the inner folds with the tip of his tongue. He opened his mouth as far as he could, tried to suck her inside, all the time licking her slit in long, loving swipes. She moaned, pressed her crotch into his face. He moved up, touched her pleasure button with the tip of his tongue. She drew in her breath with a sharp hiss. “Go on, go on…” she whispered. John hoped that she could come without making too much noise. He let his tongue play around her clit, licking it, teasing it. He felt how the sheath around it slowly retracted, exposing the sensitive tip. He ran his tongue over the tip very, very gently. She moaned again, louder this time. His face was wet with her moisture.

He went on like that for some time, sensing how her excitement rose and rose. Her breathing came faster and she started to rock slowly back and forth on her knees. He moved his hands upward from her hips, stroking her belly, her torso, touched the underside of her breasts. He ran the tips of his fingers over her nipples, felt how hard they were. She gasped. “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes…” She was almost there. John opened his mouth wide, took as much of her slit inside as he could. He licked her clit again, then sucked. Her thighs clasped his head like a vice. Her eyes closed, her lips withdrew to expose tightly clasped teeth. Apparently she tried to hold in a scream. It came out as a long moan. Then her muscles started to spasm. He tried to swallow as much of her wetness as he could, but wave after wave gushed out of her, wetting his face, his pillow, and god knows what else. It went on and on. John had never met a woman who came so intensely, so deeply.

When the violence of her orgasm had finally subsided, she looked down at him between her breasts, and smiled dreamily. “Well, I guess we’re even,” she said. “That was the best orgasm I’ve had in months.”

“Hmmbll hmmmmm hmlblll hmmmmm”, John replied.

“Oh, sorry,” she said, as she pushed herself up so that his mouth was free again. John breathed deeply.

“Ah…. that’s better.”

“Not really,” she replied. “I’ll have to wash you again, I’m afraid. You look like I’ve peed all over you.” She climbed off him, sat on the edge of the bed, and smoothed his hair. “Don’t worry, we’ll have you presentable again in no time flat.” She stood up, saw his rock-hard penis standing straight up. “On the other hand… do you feel up to an encore?” The blue- veined column nodded in agreement. “We’ll have to be very careful here…” she mused. Then she sat down on the bed again and bent over his legs. “Does this hurt?” she asked while she pressed his thighs.

“No, not really,” John replied.

“Good… I think we can chance it.” She got up on her knees and climbed over him until she sat on her hands and knees, straddling his hips. She supported herself so that her body didn’t touch his at all. Then she reached down with one hand, took his hot, hard penis and placed the tip of it between her thighs, still wet with excitement.

She lowered her body a fraction of an inch and the head of his penis slipped between her labia. “Now don’t try to move, or you’ll hurt yourself,” she warned him. John only nodded. Her nether lips held the tip of him captive, her slick, slippery wetness a delicious sensation around him. She gently lowered herself a bit further, so that he slid deeper and deeper inside her. When she had taken in about two inches of him, she stopped, and her expression became ecstatic.

“Aaaaahhhhh…” She started rocking up and down only a fraction of an inch. “Does that feel so good to you?” John asked. While the slippery friction felt delicious, this particular movement seemed to stimulate her enormously. She opened her eyes. “Don’t you know anything about women?”

“Not much,” John admitted.

“OK, I’ll teach you something.” She got up, let him slip out of her. Johns feelings were mixed – this was a bit of an anticlimax, but now he could enter her all over again. She moved forward on her knees until she sat on his chest, then pulled her labia apart with her hands. “Now. First, put in your finger,” she instructed him. John did so.

“A bit further, a bit further… yes, right there. Now, gently push upwards. No, just a bit higher, right against the pubic bone. Feel anything there? Yes, that’s it. What do you feel?”

“Soft spot, a bit fleshy…”

“Right. That’s the G-spot. It feels grand when you rub it gently. At least as good as stimulating the clitoris. Yes, like that. Yes, yes….”

John continued stroking the spot, the tip of his finger feeling her slick, wet warmth. He moved his other hand between her thighs, too. Beads of moisture clung to the red curls of her pubic triangle.

He stroked the outline of her slippery labia, which had taken on a reddish-pink color by now. She closed her eyes and arched her back. John was amazed at the result his ministrations had on her. In addition to rubbing the pleasure spot inside her, he started to stroke her clitoris, too, rubbing it very, very gently, keeping away from the tip. He felt how her inner heat increased, how the muscles in her thighs tensed up. “Yes, yes, yes….” she chanted. Her breath went very fast now. It took less than a minute. John felt how her inner muscles gripped his stroking finger, how the rhythmically started squeezing it.

After what seemed minutes, her spasms finally subsided, and he withdrew his finger from her inner folds. She sank down upon him, his chest wet where she sat.

“I’ll remember that,” said John, when she opened her eyes again. “This is definitely worth knowing.”

She smiled, then moved backwards on her knees until she straddled his hips again. Wasting no time, she took his rock-hard wand between thumb and forefinger, and put the shiny, purple head against her slit. She rubbed him back and forth a few times, then pushed gently. The tip of his penis slipped between her labia, sliding in without effort. She lowered herself slowly, slowly, and John luxuriated in the delicious feeling of her warm, slick inner membrane parting before him. He resisted the impulse to push himself up, knowing what it might do to his legs. As she slid down around him he entered her deeper, deeper, until finally her pubic hair met his, and he felt her wetness against his underbelly.

She sighed. “Does it hurt?” she asked him.

“Nope,” lied John. “It feels grand.” In fact, his legs were aching quite a bit, but it was definitely worth it.

“Good,” she replied. She bent forward, put her hands on his shoulders to support herself. John reached out to cup her breasts. He stroked the outline, rubbed his thumbs over the tips. She gasped, and he felt how her nipples grew even harder under his hands. She rocked back and forth gently, rubbing herself against him. He covered her tits with his hands, her nipples hard in his palms.

She started moving, slowly at first, pushing up her hips a bit and lowering herself again. She slid up and down around his hard member, her slick inner folds sliding hot against the rim of his head. He placed his hands on her hips so that they moved with her, guiding the rhythm. She gently pumped him, moving up until he almost slipped out of her, then down again, until he probed deeply into her body. John forced himself to hold still. Being unable to move was a delicious kind of agony.

She rode him in gentle, long strokes. Her breasts bounced, and when John looked down he saw how his penis slid out of her vagina, glistening with her wetness, and then in again, deeper, deeper, until her crotch met his, her pubic hair wetting his. As her rhythm became faster, her strokes shortened. Her breath went faster, too, and she pushed his shoulders back into the mattress. She started a kind of rocking back and forth to her movements, rubbing herself against his abdomen. He felt how his tension began to peak. She rode him in fast, short strokes now, her breasts bobbing. He moved his hands upwards, across her belly, her chest, and to her bouncing breasts again, to put his thumbs on the hard tips.

As he started rubbing her nipples, she drew in her breath with a sharp hiss. “Yes, go on, yes, yes…” she chanted. “I’m almost there, darling, go on, go on…” John felt that he was getting close, too, pleasure pooling in his loins, his scrotum tight.

Her movements were frantic now, her hips grinding into his. “Yes, yes,” she gasped, “it’s coming, it’s coming, ohhh, I’m going to… OOOOhhhhhh…. Ohhhh!”

Her inner muscles gripped him like a hand, caressing the tip of his penis with a velvet vise. His own orgasm hit him like a battering ram, fireworks going off in his groin. As she began to spasm around him, he shot his semen deep inside her, once, twice, spurt after thick spurt jetting from him.

She sank down upon him, exhausted and panting. They lay like that for a few minutes, catching their breath, the heat of her body caressing his skin. Her breasts were pressed between them, his hands caressed her spine.

“Thank you,” John said after some time. “You’re wonderful.”

She smiled coyly. “Why, thank you, sir. I must admit that I liked it very much, too.” She pushed herself up, his penis, now limp, slipping out of her. “I’d better wash you again. You’re a real mess, you know.” John had to admit that was true. He looked like she had pissed all over him.

“And what about you?” he asked.

“No problem. I get off duty soon, I can catch a shower than.” She pulled on her panties and uniform again, then washed him. As she pulled the sheet over his chest, she smiled. “At least the treatment worked.”

“You can say that again,” John answered dryly. “It’s almost falling off.” She laughed. “I hope not. It would be a shame.”

She checked her watch. “Gotta go now. The night shift comes at eleven, you know. I’ll be here again tomorrow afternoon at five.” “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you then,” John said. “I sure won’t be going anywhere.”

She unlocked the door, then turned to throw him a kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” She turned off the light and walked out, pushing her cart. John sighed and closed his eyes. It would take some time before he recovered, he decided. It would definitely take some time.

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