The Procurist 2

(For background information, please read part 1)

His phone vibrated at his side, signaling the Doctor’s arrival and he entered the code to buzz him down into the cellar. The Doctor was a well established client of his and close friend and had served him in this manner frequently. He had to be sure the girls were in the best shape. As for Corrine, the panic was something that would bring her market price down and therefore had to be worked through. The Doctor pushed though the doors and crossed to him immediately. “Hello, Sir.” the Doctor said with a warm smile and a handshake.

“Hello yourself, Doc. How have you been?”

“Pretty good to tell you the truth.” The Doctor looked to be about 50 or so and had a head full of thick white curls. He wore typical wire-rim doctor glasses, but wore a tux. His cheeks were a rosy red and his nose wore a matching shade. “Ah, into the gin already?” Sir asked with a smile and looked down at his watch, “I wanted to catch you before the show started … but we had an incident.”

“Oh that’s perfectly all right. You know how she loves her opera. I was only about a low-ball deep anyway. I can’t sit through that without it.”

Sir went to Corrine and started to remove her ballgag. “You will remember this time not to speak unless in answer to a direct question from myself or the Doctor. He is an esteemed guest in my home and will be treated as such. You will call him Doctor.” He pulled the ballgag out and put it on the little metal tray next to the table, then removed the prickly twine from her wrists. “Remove your clothing,” He commanded as he tossed the twine into the red biohazard bin and sat back down in his chair. She opened her mouth to speak, but remembered her lesson from earlier and remained silent. The Doctor was rustling through the cabinets and pulling on a white coat with a pin that simply said, “Doctor”. She tried pleading with her eyes, first to Sir but he continued to watch her with seeming disinterest in her plight. Surely the Doctor would intervene.

The Doctor came over and put his index finger under her chin so he could look directly into her eyes. “You’re alright, dear. Go ahead and get undressed so we can do a quick look-see to be sure all is well.” He took her hand and helped her from the table. She looked down at the floor and fought the tears that came. Her hands shook so much that she could barely unbutton her shirt. She couldn’t bare to look at Sir or the Doctor and focused on her shoes as she slid her simple shirt down her arms and let it drop to the floor. She wore a plain white bra. Her breasts were small, only an A cup, so she never invested in nice bras. She fumbled with her belt buckle. She had lost some weight recently and her jeans fell to the floor in a rush as soon as the button was free. Corrine wasn’t able to take off her shoes in the sitting room, so now she had to squat down awkwardly to untie them with her pants around her ankles. She fell backwards onto her butt and her skin hitting the tile made a soft slap sound. Sir let out a soft sigh of exasperation and looked to the Doctor as she finished removing her sneakers. “Sorry Doc, I didn’t realize this would be such a production.”

Tears poured over Corrine’s cheeks as she stood up and shivered. She tried to cover herself as best she could. She was humiliated that two men she didn’t know saw her in such a state. She was ashamed of her plain bra and simple pink cotton panties. “Is that undressed?” Sir asked her pointedly and stood. She shook her head and wiped her silent tears away. “Get. Undressed.” He didn’t raise his voice, he just stood there with his arms crossed and looking … dangerous. She unbuckled her bra and slid it off. The cold in the cellar had turned her tiny pink nipples into small pointed peaks. She reached down and slid her panties down and off. She had trimmed her “down there” yesterday and left just a small patch of black curly hair down the middle. She wrapped her arms around her, strategically placing them for modesty.

Sir sat down and let the Doctor take over. “Very well. Go ahead and stand on the scale and we’ll get your measurements. She walked over and stood as directed. He pulled a metal piece up from the back of the scale stand and lowered it onto her head. “Four feet, ten inches and … 92pounds. Hm, how old are you, dear?”

“Eighteen.” Corrine replied softly. “I’m sorry, dear, what was that?” She cleared her throat and spoke up, “Eighteen … Doctor.” He made a quick note on his clipboard, then helped her back up onto the table. She crossed her legs and still covered her breasts as best she could. “Well, I suppose you could still grow, but you are very small for your age. Did you have an serious illnesses as a child or anything else that could attribute to your size? Do you know if your mother had any issues while carrying you?”

“She smoked while she was pregnant and I was born early. I’ve always been small but I’ve never been really sick, Doctor.” He made a series of slashes on the clipboard.

“Do you smoke? Drink?” He asked, peering at her over the rim of his glasses.

“No, Doctor.”

“Open wide for me and let me take a look in your mouth.” Corrine followed each of his directions without incident but still covered herself at every opportunity.

Sir watched intently. She was beautiful. Her torso was long and lean beneath her small breasts and her nipples matched the pink of her rounded lips perfectly. Her hipbones stuck out just a hint and had legs so thin that the thighs did not touch. She had delicate ankles and not a single tattoo or piercing marring her perfect skin anywhere that he could see. Corrine was a clean slate. Clay ready for shaping. He hadn’t felt this level of anticipation in quite a while. The doctor wrapped a tourniquet around the top of her arm and drew a few tubes of blood that would be tested for everything. The girls he supplied had to be in pristine health.

Corrine felt relieved as the Doctor put away his stethoscope, but then he rolled the metal tray over to a cabinet and pulled more utensils out. “Alright dear, lay back and we’ll do the pelvic exam.”

“What? -”

“Corrine!” Sir said sharply. “That will be another punishment. Do as the Doctor says and keep your mouth closed.” The Doctor pulled hidden stirrups out of the exam table and switched on the overhead light. He placed his hand on her trembling shoulder and gently pushed her back so she was laying flat. “Have you ever had a pelvic exam?” The Doctor asked her.

“No,” she replied shakily.

“No, what?” Sir interjected from his seat.

“No, Doctor.”

“That is another punishment.”

Tears poured silently down the sides of her face and into her ears. She felt the Doctor’s fingers spreading her netherlips wide and cringed at the invasion. “Hm.” He said simply. “What? What is it?” Sir asked as he joined the Doctor.

“It appears that she is aroused.” Corrine heard this and snapped her knees together and sat straight up.

“No I am not!” She yelled. “This is bullshit. I’m out of here.” She said and as she hopped up off the table.

“Sit down.” Sir said simply.

“Fuck you.” Corrine spat. She felt the sting of his slap across her face before she actually realized that she had indeed been struck. The blow caught her by surprise, sending her tumbling to the floor. She cradled the left side of her face and could feel the blood pulsing there beneath the surface. The rush of red quickly bloomed into a full handprint covering almost her whole face. Sir picked her up and dropped her back on the table.

Sir should have been furious. Even the most base creature would have learned her lesson by now. She had signed the paper. She was now bound. To him. He was not furious, however. After seeing her and her wet pussy and the way his handprint looked so right on her pale skin – could he really hand her over to his client? Only time would tell. But as she looked up at him from the table with her green eyes on fire, he wasn’t sure he could.

He nodded to the doctor and each grabbed an arm and secured it to the table with thick leather straps. Corrine began kicking and screaming. “Heeeeelp! Someone help me! Mr. B!”

The doctor pulled another strap over her chest and pulled it tight so she was pinned down. Sir got the ballgag from the table and pressed his thumb and finger into the sides of her mouth again. When the pain of her skin biting into her teeth became too much, she had no choice but to release her jaw. He pushed the gag back in and tied it. She continued to scream around the gag and was drooling all over herself. The doctor went to a cabinet and got out two rolls of stretchy bandage. Sir held one leg while the Doctor bent the other at the knee and started wrapping it tightly with the bandage, binding her calf to her thigh so she couldn’t extend her leg. He did the same with the other.

The Doctor took a second to catch his breath and sat back down on his rolling stool positioned directly in front of her now freely exposed vagina. Sir was holding her thighs open as far as they would go. “Now, as I already stated, she is in a state of arousal. Even more so now than before.” Corrine struggled to no avail and was making unintelligible noises from behind her gag. “I suppose I have a dirty whore in my care now.” Sir mused aloud. “Who is going to want her?”

“Maybe you could offer her at a discount rate. She is young, her pussy looks fresh as a daisy. Even if she is dripping all over my table.” The doctor said as he ran a gloved finger up and down her lips, just barely teasing her clitoris.

Corrine heard their comments and it stilled her movements. ‘A whore? Is that what he thinks I am? No, I am nothing like my mother.’ But she knew the truth. She could feel the tension building in her lower belly, but the doctor’s soft touches weren’t enough. She had to get closer. She attempted to thrust her pussy up into his hand but was so tightly bound, she couldn’t move. “Did you see that, Sir?” The Doctor asked.

‘Oh my God, I am a dirty whore.’ she thought to herself. She had spent all of her years thinking she was better than her prostitute mother, but really she was nothing but a carbon copy. Selling her body to strangers for money. At least her mother hated it. Corrine could hear her crying sometimes. And here was Corrine thrusting up into this strange man’s hand.

“She got her pussy juice all over my hand.” The doctor held up his hand to show Sir.

“So wipe it off.” Sir said. Corrine felt so broken. They knew. They could see the true whore that she was. The Doctor stood and wiped his glove on her face. She could feel the warm wetness that just came from her pussy drying on her skin. The sobs she had so artfully held back earlier burst out from behind the gag.

The doctor was seated again and spread her pussy back open. Sir looked on and could see the honey dripping from her young pussy. “My, my. What a mess this whore is making all over your table Doctor. I’m so embarrassed. That is disgusting.” He said.

“That’s ok. Hopefully she’ll clean up a little and be up to standards for her next checkup. This pubic hair is just awful.” Corrine couldn’t stop from swiveling her hips, she was growing desperate for release.

Sir watched Corrine get lost in her need to cum. Of course he was turned on by this whole charade. So, Corrine got off on humiliation. Well, he was certainly ready to supply. That was his favorite fetish and one that he had a tough time having serviced. Most of the girls he had trained in the past hated humiliation training and found no pleasure in it. Which is why he didn’t have his own permanent personal slave. He maintained to clients and friends that he needed a change and liked to spice it up with all of the different women that he trained, but in reality he just hadn’t found the one.

The Doctor spread her pussy and began to push his finger deep into her- but stopped suddenly. He looked to Sir, but spoke to Corrine. “How many sexual partners have you had?” She attempted to reply, but only succeeded in drooling on herself even more. “She’s a virgin.” The doctor said, stunned.

“What?” Sir asked, “Are you absolutely sure?”

“Would you like to feel for yourself?”

“No. You know I trust you. I’m just … I was unaware.” Sir sounded uncharacteristically surprised.

“Well, I suppose I won’t do the pap smear after all. I mean, there is really no need.”

“Right. No … yeah, that’s fine I mean.” Sir released her knees and the doctor stood and stretched.

Corrine snapped her legs together and tried to hide her embarrassing arousal. “Thank you, Doc. When can I expect the results from that blood test back?”

“Between 24-48 hours. I’ll be sure to send em right over.” The Doctor slipped off his white coat and hung it on a hook on the wall. “I’ll just show myself out.”

“Let me walk you out. You’ll need my pass to leave the cellar then B will let you out the front entrance.” Sir slipped his hand around the Docs shoulders and led him up and out of the basement. The Doctor never even turned back to acknowledge Corrine, which really showed her where she stood.

The cellar was absolutely silent. But left all alone, secured to that table, the silence seemed to swell and was almost unbearable. She had no idea how long he was gone, but it felt like forever. There were no clocks; nothing to monitor the time by. She couldn’t feel her toes from the tight bondage and she really had to use the bathroom. She didn’t think she could handle this. She had to find a way out. She struggled, but was strapped too tight. She knew her pain and humiliation hadn’t even really begun – but they would when he returned.

The End

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